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Beardstown CUSD 15

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Beardstown Junior High/High School

Welcome to the Junior High /High School 


Beardstown CUSD # 15  Mission Statement:  Provide a challenging and responsive, educational environment in a changing community that creates caring, socially responsible, and exemplary students.



500 E. 15th Beardstown, IL 62618

Phone:  217-323-3665

Fax: 217-323-3667


The 2022-2023 school year is upon us and we are very excited to welcome back our amazing students and staff. The start of a new school year is always an exciting time where our students get to embark on a new year that will be filled with different transitions, challenges, and accomplishments. All of which will combine to enhance our students' ability to be successful in the real world. 
Beardstown Jr/Sr High School will provide a rigorous and challenging learning experience in a safe and supportive learning environment. It is our responsibility to work with our community to provide the very best for our students. We will use a collaborative approach to ensure all students are successful and all students are supported throughout the year. 
Please visit our website and social media outlets often to stay informed with important updates and information regarding the school calendar and special events. 

Lastly, we encourage you to call or email us with any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year. 

We hope you and your student(s) have an exciting and memorable school year!


Josh Sorrells, Principal
Mr. Nathan Theis, Assistant Principal
Mr. Chad Beam, Assistant Principal